Went down the slippery slope of piping, did you? Now you're in for it, a lifetime of cursing at reeds!

(have a pakistani half set myself, haven't messed with them as much as I would have liked over the last few years but will get back to them again too at some point).
I could probably make some of the parts depending, the only thing I wouldn't be 100% sure on is how they might fit with different makes and models of the musical movements. The ones I have are the Sankyo and Yunsheng brands in 20 and 30 note. The only 33 note chromatic versions that I knew of were being made by one of the workers from Sankyo originally who produced them all by hand, and they fairly expensive (and I don't believe are being made any longer).
If you can post or send a picture of which parts you lacking I could see if they were something that I could make or not.