RPMaterial Too Heavy

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RPMaterial Too Heavy

Postby raistlin » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:51 pm


I've got a question with RPMaterial.
I'm using an heavy scene with ton's of props, and i want to change a material for roof and if cannot dupplicate my meshes, it should be cool for the scene's size...

I think i've understand the rpmaterial and his "synchronisation" between that shader and the pass #.
But in the case of multimaterial, and multiple pass, RPManager create A material per pass... and not instanciate it... And it's really a problem...
In my last scene i cannot ope the slate material editor anymore... It make 3Dsmax sleep for eternity...

So i've got in fact two questions...

1 - is there a way to instanciate material and don't re-create material for each pass (of course if i just need two material... )
2 - Can we make a "set" like a "layer set" but for material Id?... I imagine for exemple a board with the same ability that rpm property panel to select object, but this time only to interchange Material ID...
For exemple if i select all my roof objects... I want to change Material ID 2 > Material ID 3 in a set
In another set i should be other objects i've selected and this time it should be the material 10 i want to change in material 11...

Sorry for my bad english, i hope you can understand the idea...

Cheers !

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Re: RPMaterial Too Heavy

Postby admin » Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:18 pm


For 1, in the Object Property Capture/Restore preferences, the top checkbox named 'Instance Materials Across Passes' should keep the materials instanced, though it won't update a scene already setup, it's when the passes are created.

If you edit an RPMMaterial you can manually instance the submaterials between the slots.

For 2, you might be able to use the before/after scripts to do what you need for the material id, for a single object you could enter

$Sphere001.modifiers["Material"].materialID = 3

for one pass, and

$Sphere001.modifiers["Material"].materialID = 2

for another, and that objects materialid will change per pass courtesy of the modifier. You can script lookups into named selection sets or layer contents via regular scripting.


Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:33 pm

Re: RPMaterial Too Heavy

Postby raistlin » Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:15 am

Thanks a lot Grant!

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